Terms & Conditions


These terms and conditions govern all sales of goods by the Company and are the only contractual terms that bind the Company except as otherwise agreed to in writing by the Company and those, if any, cannot be excluded by law.


Any quotation made by the Company is not to be construed or operate as an obligation to sell. The Company reserves the right to accept or reject all orders it receives in its absolute discretion. Quotations issued by the Company are valid for 7 days.


The prices payable by the Purchaser are the Company's prices ruling at the date the goods are purchased. The unit price contained in any quotation is based on the quantities of goods referred to in the quotation. If there is any variation in the total quantity of goods ordered from that quoted, the Company reserves the right to amend the unit prices quoted. Unless otherwise expressly stated, all prices are exclusive of GST, and are payable by the Purchaser. The prices and graphics published on our site may contain technical inaccuracies or errors. We reserve the right not to accept a price incorrectly listed and prices are subject to change without notice.


Unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Company or otherwise provided on the Company's invoices or price lists, payment for the goods and all other costs and expenses payable in accordance with these terms and conditions must be made to the Company upfront and in full. If the Purchaser delays or defaults in respect of any payment, the Company reserves the right, in addition to other remedies it may have to charge interest at a rate equivalent to 2%.


Where the Company agrees to a credit arrangement with the Purchaser, the Company reserves the right at any time to suspend or revoke that credit facility or to change credit terms when in the Company's sole opinion the financial condition of the Purchaser so warrants. The Purchaser agrees that a condition of approval of a credit account with the Company may be a request for the Purchaser to provide personal guarantees from its directors or a banker's guarantee, or both.


All descriptive specifications, illustrations, drawings, data, dimensions and weights supplied by the Company or otherwise contained in catalogues, price lists or other advertising matter of the Company are approximate only and are intended to be by way of general description of the goods. Such descriptive specifications do not form part of the contractual description of the goods unless agreed to in writing by the Company, in which case such they are subject to recognised trade tolerances.

Australia-Wide Delivery

Where the Company has agreed to deliver goods to the Purchaser’s warehouse and those goods are lost or damaged as a result of an act, neglect or default of the Company, the Company's liability to the Purchaser is limited to either the replacement or repair of any goods lost or damaged. Any claims against the Company for such loss or damage must be made within three (3) days of the date of delivery. The Purchaser indemnifies the Company against all loss and expenses incurred by the Company, including any additional transport and storage charges, as a result of the Purchaser failing to take delivery of goods as agreed with the Company.


The Purchaser must notify the Company in writing, within seven (7) days of the date of delivery, of any non-compliance with the order (subject to the usual trade tolerances relating to weight, dimension and processing). If the Purchaser fails to give that notice then, to the extent permitted by statute, the goods shall be deemed to have been accepted by the Purchaser in accordance with these terms and conditions.


The Company may terminate any contract for the supply of goods if:

· (a) the Purchaser fails to pay any amount owing to the Company;

· (b) the Purchaser becomes insolvent;

· (c) execution is levied against any of the Purchaser's goods; or

· (d) the Purchaser is placed in liquidation, whether voluntarily or otherwise


The only conditions and warranties that are binding on the Company in respect of the state, quality or condition of the goods supplied by it to the Purchaser are those imposed and required to be binding by statute (including the Trade Practices Act 1974). To the extent permitted by law, the liability of the Company arising from the breach of such conditions or warranties is, at the Company's option, limited to the replacement or repair of the goods supplied to the Purchaser. Otherwise all other conditions and warranties, whether expressed or implied by law in respect of the state, quality or condition of the said goods which may apart from this clause be binding on the Company are expressly excluded. Except to the extent provided above the Company will not be liable (including liability in negligence) to any person for any loss or damage, consequential or otherwise, suffered or incurred by that person in relation to the goods, including without limitation any failure, breakdown, defect or deficiency in the goods.

Orders and Returns

Shipping Options

All parcels/packages are delivered by Australia Post or our courier service Australia-wide. We do not accept international orders through our website, please contact us on enquiries@medicision.com.au to enquire about placing a special order. All items will be delivered by receipted delivery which will require a signature from you confirming receipt of these goods. Delivery cost is calculated and displayed on your order prior to your confirmation.

Delivery within Australia only - we aim for next business day dispatch. Delivery generally takes 1-3 days in metropolitan areas. However, due to recent delays in delivery from Australia Post it may take up to 10 business days in some areas.

Pricing Policy

The prices advertised are in Australian Dollars (AUD) and are exclusive of 10% GST (Goods and Services Tax). Prices are subject to change without notice.

Return and Exchanges

Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and nature of the product, we do not offer any refunds. All sales are deemed final. We offer a 14-day exchange or credit note on products, provided the product is faulty or defective. Cases will be assessed on an individual basis and the final decision regarding the product will be at the absolute discretion of the company. If there are any issues, please email us at enquiries@medicision.com.au to ensure that one of our team members can assist you as soon as possible.

Privacy Policy

Collection of personal information

Medicision is committed to ensuring that your information is secure. Any information we collect in relation to you is kept strictly confidential. We do not distribute, sell or share any of your personal details with anyone. Your details are used to identify your orders, and to personalise your shopping experience with us. Medicision may use cookies to allow you to login to your account, maintain a shopping cart and to purchase items in your shopping cart.

If you wish to discuss our privacy policy further, please contact us at enquiries@medicision.com.au